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Running and fitness

Falzeben Tour

Avelengo Paese/Hafling Dorf, Hafling/Avelengo, Meran/Merano and environs
from center of

This trail runs from St. Kathrein/S. Caterina to the parking area Falzeben at an elevation of 1.620metres.

Distance 8.9 Km
Duration 2h:45 min
Ascent 426 m
Descent 426 m
Highest point 1621 m
Lowest point 1233 m
Tour Details

Coming from both directions of the freeway Meran/Merano - Bolzano/Bozen (MEBO), take the exit of Meran Süd/Merano Sud and follow directions towards Meran first, to then turn right towards Hafling/Avelengo. Shortly before Hafling Dorf/Avelengo Paese turn left towards S. Kathrein/S. Caterina.

Small parking place in St. Kathrein

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