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Running and fitness


Vallelunga/Langtaufers, Graun im Vinschgau/Curon Venosta, Vinschgau/Val Venosta
from center of
In the shadow of the Weißkugel, you head to the Weißkugel Hut and return to Melag via a small section of the Langtauferer High Trail. The first part is rather flat and perfect for warming up. From the Melager Alm, it gradually becomes steeper, and you follow the glacier educational trail towards the Weißkugel Hut – always with the best view of the glaciers of the Weißkugel group. Once you have reached the Weißkugel Hut, you follow the narrow high trail (some surefootedness required) downstream, with no more altitude meters to overcome. Soon you reach the stream coming from the Weißseejoch and first follow a trail, then a forest road back to the small mountain village of Melag.
Distance 13.7 Km
Duration 5h:00 min
Ascent 756 m
Descent 756 m
Highest point 2743 m
Lowest point 1900 m
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