Enjoy traditonal local dishes and spend happy hours in a friendly atmosphere.
The Knuttenalm is located at 1,911 meters in Riva di Tures/Rein in Taufers. Easy to reach in about 1 hour on a wide, slightly uphill forest road. Walking along the Knuttenbach, it is easy and pleasant - also suitable for a trip with a babystroller or for seniors.
Coming from the north:
München – Rosenheim – Kufstein – Innsbruck – Brennerautobahn – exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley - Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures - Rein in Taufers/Riva di Tures
Coming from the west:
Reschen pass, Bozen, Brixen and national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße to Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley - Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures - Rein in Taufers/Riva di Tures
Coming from the east:
Motorway Tauernautobahn or Felbertauern tunnel to Lienz and continue on to Innichen -Toblach - Bruneck – turn right into the Ahrntal Valley - Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures - Rein in Taufers/Riva di Tures
Coming from the south:
Verona – Trento – Bozen – Motorway Brennerautobahn to the exit at Brixen – national road Pustertaler Staatsstraße Bruneck – turn left into the Ahrntal Valley - Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures - Rein in Taufers/Riva di Tures
Car park (1682 m) on the beginning of the Knutten Valley