The train experts Martin Broy & Klaus Demar tell interesting facts about the history of the Rittner Bahn and guide you through the remise of Klobenstein & Oberbozen, afterwards special ride with historical train.
Price: € 10 (train ticket extra), free of charge with RittenCard.
10 a.m.: Meeting point at Klobenstein station with a short guided tour of the Remise, ride from Klobenstein to Oberbozen & guided tour of the remise at Oberbozen. At 1.10 p.m. special ride with the historic train from Oberbozen to Maria Himmelfahrt.
Only with reservation at the Tourist Office Ritten/Renon.
"The machinist turns the crank, the wagon spins and purrs, a little jerk, then it starts moving..." This is a quote from 1907 when the people from Bozen took the railway Renon (Rittner Bahn) to their summer retreat on the high plateau. Even today, after 113 years, our railway still runs between Maria Himmelfahrt, Oberbozen and Klobenstein as the only narrow-gauge railway in South Tyrol.