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    Alle sneeuwschoenwandelingen in Gsiesertal/Val Casies

    Rustig over alpenweiden of steil bergop naar een top: tijdens een sneeuwschoenwandeling kun je genieten van ongerepte natuur en unieke uitzichten op het omringende berglandschap. Doe nieuwe energie op met heerlijke Zuid-Tiroolse specialiteiten in een van de vele berghutten.

    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe tour: Forcella di Casies in Val Casies (2205m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    Snowshoe tour on old paths

    Starting point: Val Casies / S. Maddalena head of the valley (1465m)
    Distance: 6,1 km
    Descent: along the ascending route
    Walking time: 02:30 h
    Difficulty: difficult
    Difference in altitude: 740 m
    Information: also feasible with touring skis | southern exposure

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    740 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:30 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: To the Mountain Hoher Mann in the Val Casies Valley (2593m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    A beautiful panorama tour across the Aschtalm, Pfinnhütten, Pfinnscharte and Hoher Mann

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena in the Val Caises Valley (1465 m)
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 3 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: easy ski mountain that requires some endurance
    Altitude difference: 1100 m
    Slope exposure: south + east

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    1100 m Hoogtemeters
    3h:30 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe tour: To the Mountain Salzla a Tesido (2131m)

    With a view towards the Dolomites

    Starting point: parking lot at Tesido above the Mudler mountain farm (1620m)
    Distance: 6,1 km
    Descent: circular hike
    Walking time: 04:00 h
    Difficulty: medium
    Difference in altitude: 525 m
    Information: also feasible with touring skis

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    517 m Hoogtemeters
    1h:55 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: Along the Taistner Unterrain

    Tranquil low mountain hike – clockwise through meadows and woods of the Taistner Unterrain

    Starting point: crossroad 100 m after the Hotel Alpen Tesitin in Taisten
    Altitude difference: 260 m
    Hiking time: 2 to 3 hours
    Level of difficulty: easy and ideal terrain for snowshoe hiking
    Important: Orientation in forest difficult when leaving marked path
    Please note: this is only a snowshoe hike
    Rest point: mountain restaurant Mudler Hof

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    315 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:10 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: Rotlahner in the Val Casies Valley (2748 m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The “Rotlahner” – an easy but famous ski mountain in the Gsieser Alps

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena in the Gsieser Valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: 3 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: medium to difficult; with the exception of two steep slopes (one just beneath the Kasermähder Alm and the other in the area of the Heimwaldjoch) there are no considerable technical difficulties concerning the route
    Altitude difference: 1270 m
    Slope exposure: mainly southwest slopes

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    1270 m Hoogtemeters
    3h:30 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe tour: To the Pfinnhütten huts in the Val Casies Valley (2152m)

    Panoramic snowshoe tour passing by the Aschtalm hut

    Starting point: Val Casies / S. Maddalena head of the valley (1465m)
    Distance: 7,5 km
    Descent: along the ascending route
    Walking time: 04:00 h
    Difficulty: difficult
    Difference in altitude: 687 m

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    663 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:16 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: To the forcella di Ciarnil in the Val Casies Valley (2349m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    An interesting challenge in a snow-covered alpine landscape

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena / Val Casies Valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route
    Hiking time: ca. 2 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Altitude difference: 884 m
    Slope exposure: North Slope

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: zwaar
    884 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:30 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: To the Mountain Hochkreuzspitze in Val Casies (2739m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    The classic Val Casies Valley ski and snowshoe hike through the Pfoital and to the Hochkreuzspitze

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena in the Gsieser Valley 1465 m
    Hiking time: 4 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: moderate – difficult; for average skiers, the route offers a wide and open terrain with only a few steep slopes that only require extra caution following fresh snow
    Altitude difference: 1274 m
    Slope exposure: southwest

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    1274 m Hoogtemeters
    4h:30 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe tour: To the Schuier Alm in Val Casies Valley (1958m)
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    Snowshoe tour with a panoramic view

    Starting point: Val Casies Valley/ Colle Hotel Stoll (1255m)
    Distance: 5 km
    Descent: along the ascending route
    Walking time: 03:0 h
    Difficulty: difficult
    Difference in altitude: 733 m

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    717 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:28 min Duur
    Snowshoe Hikes
    Snowshoe Tour: Forcella di Casies/Gsieser Törl in S. Maddalena/Gsieser Tal Valley
    Gsies/Valle di Casies

    Snowshoe tour: The “Gsieser Törl” – over centuries a strategic passage for man and beast: pilgrims, smugglers, pedlars, hunters, shepherds, as well as the odd lover…

    Starting point: Head of the valley in St. Magdalena in the Gsieser Valley 1465 m
    Descent: back via the ascent route, from Kradorfer Alm left turn is also possible
    Hiking time: 2 ½ hours
    Level of difficulty: moderate to difficult; technical difficulties are minor; but last part of the climb is steep
    Altitude difference: 745 m

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    740 m Hoogtemeters
    2h:30 min Duur