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    Wandelingen voor het hele gezin in Brixen/Bressanone en omgeving

    Om kinderen uit zichzelf te laten genieten van wandelen, moet het pad spannend zijn, want kinderen wandelen en leren het beste door te spelen. Soms is er alleen een speelse stimulans of een wedstrijd tussen kinderen nodig, bijvoorbeeld een wandeling op blote voeten, of een mystiek pad naar een waterval in het bos, waar de kinderen kunnen spelen en hun omgeving met hun eigen, kinderlijke, onderzoekende ogen kunnen waarnemen.

    Tour to the cascate and Dreikirchen/Trechiese
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start from Barbian/Barbiano and take the trail nr. 3-11 in direction to the sport place. Continue on that way and you will come to the Dreikirchen/Trechiese. For the return we take the trail nr. 6 to "Feistegg" and then the way nr. 3 until "Wieserhof". From that point we have to follow the trail nr. 6A to the saw mill. At the "Wasserfallweg" we go back to Barbian/Barbiano.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    0 Hoogtemeters
    2h:00 min Duur
    S. Andreas Circular Hiking Trail
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The hike starts begins in the town center and follows trail no. 18 along a forest trail to a waterfall before reaching the Plose cableway valley station. From here, the circular hiking trail leads up to Meluno di Sopra/Obermellaun and sloping downward to the Oberplattnerhof farm. The route continues to Meluno/Mellaun on the Höfestraße road (trail no. 7), then along field trails (no. 12) back to the starting point.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    0 Hoogtemeters
    2h:15 min Duur
    Mills trail & earth pyramids
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    From the car park in the village centre you hike in a north-westerly direction for 100 m along the Strada del Sole Road until you reach the Ternerbach River. This is the start of the educational mills path. Follow the sign-posts. At half way you reach  the pyramids. After approximately 10 min. you will get to the 5 main mills. At Hansleitner Mill you can cross the bridge leading to the other side of the river. You hike past an old farm and reach the ski lift. From here you take the field path back to the village centre. You will get to Hotel Wiedenhofer and back to the Strada del Sole Road. Duration: 1,5 h
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    235 Hoogtemeters
    1h:30 min Duur
    Barbian/Barbiano - Dreikirchen/Trechiese
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    We start from the village place near the church. Then we go to the Raiffeisenkassa, in north direction. At this point it starts the hiking trail nr. 3 - 11. The first part of this trail is an asphaltic road. We go at the end of this road and there beginns an olt stone-flagged trail.
    Then we continue on an old, paved path, cross the next asphalt road and walk into the forest. About the beautifully landscaped trail with Mark. 11 we get to the sports zone and finally to a forest path. Here begin a forest road that pass on the Dreikirchen/Trechiese. For the return we choose first the trail in the forest nr. 6. After we go ahead on the trail nr. 3 ("Feistegg") until the "Wieserhof". He is located on the street (nr.6a). We go ahead on the street until a branch. Here we have to change to the "Wasserfallweg", that lead us back to the village.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    308 Hoogtemeters
    1h:06 min Duur
    Törggelen excursion Barbian/o
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Start from the village centre and take path 3, walking by Gosternhof towards Ponte Gardena. From there, continue on the bike path to Colma. You will reach the Reatlhof just before the village on path 8A. Follow trail 5 from Colma to Barbiano, where you will talke path 11A and 11B for a quick detour to the Unteraichnerhof. The excursion can be carried out in both directions form Ponte Gardena.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    502 Hoogtemeters
    2h:30 min Duur
    Trail of the Seven Churches in Brixen
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This contemplative cultural/historical hiking circuit on the Pfeffersberg mountain spans the seven churches above Brixen/Bressanone, testifying to the deep Christian beliefs of the local population. On the third Sunday of September, the annual pilgrimage is held in the church district of Brixen, known as the “Seven Church Procession”.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    455 Hoogtemeters
    2h:46 min Duur
    circular hiking trail 'Stocknertal' in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Hike in a southerly direction to the leisure time park where you find the turnoff to the path marking 18. At the turnoff to 'Stocknertalweg' path you leave path no. 18. Stay on the Stocknertalweg path until reaching a smaller asphalt road. From here you hike in a northerly direction (marking 17) back to Terento. Stay on the asphalt road leading back to the village.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    111 Hoogtemeters
    0h:55 min Duur
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Partendo dalla stazione si passa prima dal cimitero e dal campo di calcio, poi si imbocca il sentiero Cicilyrweg verso Sciaves e infine si torna al punto di partenza. Suggerimento: potete anche trasformare questa passeggiata in un percorso circolare prendendo il sottopasso verso il maso Putzerhof e poi proseguendo sui sentieri 9a e 9 per tornare a Rio di Pusteria.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    165 Hoogtemeters
    1h:34 min Duur
    loop road of the "Barbianer Oberdorf"
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Explore the upper part of our beautiful village Barbian/Barbiano. The tour begins in the middle of Barbiano, on the village place near the church. We go to the "Wasserfallweg" at the end of Barbian/Barbiano. There we pass the farm called "Lukas" and on the trail 6A we arrive at a saw mill. From that point we can see to streets, one goes ahead and the other pass on the right direction. We take the second one and go right until we come to the "Wieserhof". There we have to go right and take the trail nr. 3 until we pass the information sign with "Barbian" on it. Our hike ends with the trail nr. 11, which brings us back to Barbian/Barbiano.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    0 Hoogtemeters
    1h:15 min Duur
    Il giro di Flitt/Die Flittrunde
    Lüsen/Luson, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This, a little bit challenging, itinerary starts at the bridge next to the bar Verena on the road direction Würzjoch. We hike upwards on the path through the meadows along the brook Putzerbach, we pass the "Balbein Platzl" with a little pond, picnic-table and panorama lounger. Following the path through the woods, crossing the road to Flitt, we walk uphill to Flitt (1337 m). Here we can take a break and visit the idyllic chapel. The meadows of Flitt offer a beautiful view of the valley with the Peitlerkofel in the background. The path downwards, which is initially steep and its starting point is located at the farm Wurzerhof, leads us to the start of the toboggan run and then to the farm Örtlhof. From here we follow the path through the woods until we arrive at the farm Pekulerhof. Finally we walk on the street until the starting point at the Bar Verena.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    403 Hoogtemeters
    2h:10 min Duur
    The St. Cyrillusweg Trail in Brixen
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Sr. Cyrilus path leads from Bressanone through the Europa Meditation Path to St. Cyril's Chapel. 1238 this church was first mentioned. 1654 the Romanesque nave was extended with a choir. The interior is baroque today in large part, but there are also some medieval frescoes preserved. The Europa Meditation Path was established in 1993. The eight reflection points are dedicated to Christian Europe and his saints.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    291 Hoogtemeters
    1h:38 min Duur
    Skihütte - Valcroce Circular Hiking Tour
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Follow the Plosestraße road to the Finktal Valley, then turn right uphill along trail no. 7), This leads partly over the Kreuztal meadows (used as ski slopes in winter). Continue to the east via trail no. 17, known as the "Woody Walk", then to the right descending to the Skihütte mountain restaurant. Return briefly to the paved street, then turn to the left (trail no. 8) on to the forest trail before a last brief stretch on the paved road leading down to the mountain village of Plancios/Palmschoss.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    0 Hoogtemeters
    3h:10 min Duur
    Panoramic Trail on the Plose Mountain
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Dolomiten Panoramaweg Trail on the Plose offers magnificent views of the western Dolomites.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    625 Hoogtemeters
    4h:37 min Duur
    Hike to the Tschiffernaun hut
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Starting from the Fane Alm car park, take the forest road leading to Fane Alm, then turn right onto the mountain road towards the Tschiffernaun hut. The landscape is characterised by woodland at first; then, when you reach the Stin hut, the wood gives way to vast alpine meadows.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    504 Hoogtemeters
    1h:34 min Duur
    Devils' Stone and Pertinger Alm hut in Terenten
    Terenten/Terento, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    The hiking starts at the parking area "Schneeberg" and leads at the path nr. 5 in direction to the Pertinger Alm hut to and the devil stone.
    The farmers from the village of Molini di Tures enraged the devil so much, that he wanted to inflict evil upon them. He carried a stone over from the village of Luson and wanted to let it roll down from the Mutenock peak to the village of Molini di Tures. The stone was so heavy that the devil hat to take a break and he did not notice that it started do get bright already. The devil hat to leave the stone where it was and to return to the underworld. The "Devils' Stone' still lies amidst the forest.
    Once you reach the Pertinger Alm hut, you will have a marvelous panorama view on the mountains.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    281 Hoogtemeters
    1h:01 min Duur
    Across the Biotopes of the Natz- Schabs Apple Plateau
    Natz-Schabs/Naz-Sciaves, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This hiking circuit passes through all five nature reserves on the Natz-Schabs high plateau: Raiermoos in Raas/Rasa, Sommersürs, Zuzzis and Hairer in Viums/Fiumes and Laugen, south of Natz/Naz.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    172 Hoogtemeters
    2h:32 min Duur
    Circular history path from Bressanone to Fortezza
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Spanning Brixen/Bressanone to Franzensfeste/Fortezza, this exciting and instructive theme trail focusses on the history and cultural landscape of the Eisacktal Valley. On the 24 information boards found along the way, there is much to learn about the art and history of the oldest settlement in Tyrol, as well as its natural environment and geology.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    438 Hoogtemeters
    3h:28 min Duur
    Panoramic excursion full of fairy tales on the Lüsen Alps
    Lüsen/Luson, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    A legendary hike over the high plateau of the Lüsen Alps
    Beatiful family hike from Lüsen Berg over the Lüsen Alps to the parking lot Schweiger Böden.
    Countless legends about miraculous figures, which have been handed down for many generations, lie around the Lüsen Alps.
    Here, some of them are prepared in a family-friendly way by means of billboards.

    The possibility to start the journey to Herol and the return from Schweiger Böden by our hiking bus makes this hike an ideal family excursion.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    460 Hoogtemeters
    2h:37 min Duur
    The Pinàzweg Trail up to Elvas
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This circular hike on the Pinàzweg Trail crosses over the sunny slopes of Brixen/Bressanone to Elvas. Although the trail remains open all year round, it is especially popular in springtime, when the fruit trees are in bloom, as well as in autumn.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    412 Hoogtemeters
    3h:02 min Duur
    Hike to the Mountain Station Jochtal
    Mühlbach/Rio di Pusteria, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Starting off from the Jochtal lift valley terminal, follow the Dynafitweg trail that leads uphill towards the Nockalm hut and to the mountain station Jochtal. In winter this trail is used as a ski tour trail.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    638 Hoogtemeters
    2h:04 min Duur
    Ackerboden – Ochsenalm Farm – Kreuztal Hiking Tour
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Take trail no. 6 uphill to the Ackerboden meadows (1,753m a.s.l.) and further to the Ochsenalm mountain hut (2,085m a.s.l.). Along the Bressanone High Mountain Trail to the south the route leads directly to the cableway mountain station in Valcroce/Kreuztal. Return by cable car. From S. Andrea/St. Andrä, follow trail no. 12 northwards to the sports grounds – once past the village of Burgstall, the way leads uphill to reach S. Leonardo/St. Leonhard.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    798 Hoogtemeters
    3h:32 min Duur
    The Latschenkieferweg trail on the Villanderer Alm (Latschenweg trail)
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This uncomplicated circuit hike on the high moors of the Villanderer Alm mountain pasture through pine forests, offers fantastic views of the Dolomites. Occupying about 20 km2, the Villanderer Alm is one of the largest Alpine pastures in Europe. 

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    281 Hoogtemeters
    2h:10 min Duur
    Schatzerhütte Panoramic Trail
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Follow forest trail no. 8 to the Schatzerhütte mountain hut. Shortly afterwards, the route reaches the Kerer cross, before ascending to the left (trail no. 14A) along the forest trail and up to the Putzjoch ridge. Turn down and to the right, along the steep path no. 14 and down to Wackerer See lake. Return via the forest trail to the Schatzerhütte mountain hut and then along the Almweg mountain pasture trail no. 8 back to the starting point.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    0 Hoogtemeters
    3h:10 min Duur
    To the barbian waterfalls
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The fresh mountain waters of the Ganderbach mountain torrent (2,000 m) cascade down the Barbian Waterfalls from the Barbianer Alm high moors. The hike to the waterfalls from the town of Barbian/Barbiano is along a narrow and partly secured trail.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    388 Hoogtemeters
    1h:40 min Duur
    Neustift-Brixen Törggele Circuit Trail
    Vahrn/Varna, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This stunningly beautiful trail takes you through the northernmost vineyards of the Eisacktal Valley, with a refreshment stop at a wine estate or at the Augustinian Monastery wine cellars in Neustift/Novacella. 

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    215 Hoogtemeters
    1h:46 min Duur
    Hike to the Brixner hut
    Pfitsch/Val di Vizze, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Cross the quaint mountain village of Fane Alm, continue through the Schramme gorge and on along the uphill trail that leads to the Brixner hut. The Brixner hut is located on the Pfunders high mountain trail.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemiddeld
    580 Hoogtemeters
    1h:49 min Duur
    Törggele Hike Klausen - Pardell
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs
    Easy törggele hike to traditional taverns with view at the monastery Säben.
    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    385 Hoogtemeters
    2h:34 min Duur
    Walk along the green promenade in Brixen
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The leisurely Green Town Walk in Brixen/Bressanone leads through its most picturesque green zones, highlighting the more significant historic areas and buildings in the oldest town in Tyrol.

    Moeilijkheidsgraad: gemakkelijk
    18 Hoogtemeters
    1h:04 min Duur
    1 2 3 4