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    Cultuur & bezienswaardigheden in de Dolomieten

    In de voetsporen van onze geschiedenis dwaal je door statige kastelen en paleizen, bezoek je kerken en kloosters en verken je hedendaagse getuigenissen, gebouwen en bezienswaardige plaatsen tijdens rondleidingen en bezoeken. Geïnspireerd door oude en nieuwe meesters, traditionele gebruiken en hedendaagse evenementen, nodigen de verschillende culturele evenementen zoals tentoonstellingen, theater, dans en muziek uit tot interactie met kunst en cultuur. 

    Culture & Attractions
    Open-air exhibition at Pstosser Bühl
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    This fascinating open-air exhibition with 10 panels on astronomical themes can be found on hiking trail 2B around the ‘Pstosser Bühl’ hill, just a few steps from the centre of Steinegg|Collepietra.

    Since May 2022, the ‘Fly to the Universe’ exhibition has been inviting you to immerse yourself in the depths of space. The impressive deep-sky images were created by Stephanie Wolters, Brigitte Lintner and Dieter Seiwald from the ‘Max Valier’ amateur astronomers' association. With every step along the trail, you will discover new perspectives - from the starry sky above the Max Valier observatory to the most remote galaxies.

    There is another highlight on this trail: a mountain cinema. Take a seat on the practical wooden chairs, look through the wooden frame and discover wonderful views of the Schlern|Sciliar, the earth pyramids and the Rosengarten|Catinaccio.

    While the adults discover distant galaxies, the children can let off steam in the forest playground on the Pstosser Bühl.
    Churches & Monasteries
    The St. Nicholas Parish Church in Ega
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    St. Nicholas, the Patron Saint of miners, was held to be the protector of those in danger from water. In Eggen, it was believed that he protected the village against the raging waters of the Sam Brook and of the Gerold Brook. Until the curacy was built in 1681, Eggen was served by the parish of Deutschnofen / Nova Ponente. While St. Nicholas had the right to bury its dead parishioners as well as to read the Mass, since 1435, Eggen was ministered by a priest from Deutschnofen / Nova Ponente. With the establishment of the first curacy, this stopped, and in 1919, the curacy was elevated to the status of an independent parish. The church is open daily from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m.

    Forts & Castles
    Cave dwelling "Mortner Gufl"
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The cave dwelling "Mortner Gufl" is located on the old Steinegger carriage road, which at that time connected Steinegg|Collepietra with Kardaun|Cardano and Bozen|Bolzano.  About 500 m from the farm Mortner in the direction of Kardaun, there is an extensive, flat square with a thick stone slab hanging over it, as if it wanted to provide a protective roof for the little place. It is said that a hermit, the Mortner Hias, lived here during the First World War. He even set up a farm oven in this natural dwelling and walled the place up. The hermit wove baskets here. During the Second World War, this place was used as an air-raid shelter for the inhabitants of the nearby farm Mortner. Some remains of the wall can still be discovered and admired today.
    In 1951, there is also said to have been an apparition of the Virgin Mary at this special place.
    A descriptive board on site tells of these extraordinary occurrences at the "Mortner Gufl".
    Route description:
    Starting point is the Steinegg village square. From the car park at the Cafè Christl, walk past the Lex Market grocery shop along hiking trail [2] / Rittersteig. Continue along the Rittersteig past the Ebenhof farm until you reach the turnoff to the Mortner farm. Here you walk a short distance in the direction of Mortner farm and then immediately turn left to the "Mortner Gufl".
    The way back is via the same path.
    Length of the route from the Steinegg village square to the "Mortner Gufl": 3km (approx. 50 minutes walking time)
    Churches & Monasteries
    The La Crusc/Santa Croce Sanctuary
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    Many centuries ago, when Alta Badia was still largely uninhabited, La Crusc (Holy Cross) seems to have been a pagan place of worship. It was probably the unfavourable living conditions of the area that led the first Christians to construct a sanctuary here.

    Around 1010 the monks built a chapel at La Crusc where a small church was erected in the 15th century. At the end of the 17th century the church was deconsecrated by the then Austrian Emperor and was subsequently left to decay. Pilgrims and valley dwellers rescued the little church by partially rebuilding it, and some years later in the middle of the 18th century it was enlarged and embellished with a bell tower.

    For a long time the existence of La Crusc as a place of pilgrimage had been established on the basis of documents from the year 1511. And then two further parchment documents emerged with evidence pointing to an earlier existence. The first mentioned a church consecration; the second contained the story of “Morellus de Caninis” who made a pilgrimage to Rome in 1500 in order to seek favours for the La Crusc church.

    Numerous relics are preserved in the altar of the church, such as those of St Leonhard (to whom the parish church of San Leonardo/Badia is dedicated), St Hippolitus, St Virgilius (Bishop of Salzburg), St Mary Magdalena, St Agnes and St Barbara.

    Nowadays there are several processions to the church during the summer season, and there is an important service on the first Sunday in June.

    Service providers
    Club House Kardaun|Cardano
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    This is where people, ideas and traditions come together to create village life. Whether for association meetings, creative workshops or cultural events - the clubhouse offers you inviting rooms to organise events and activities of the local associations.

    Its central location in Kardaun|Cardano makes it easily accessible, and the functional rooms ensure that you feel at home straight away. At the same time, the building symbolises the cohesion and diversity of the local associations that make life in the region so lively.
    Culture & Attractions
    Mini - Star Trail in Steinegg
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Mini - Star Trail is an art installation and at the same time a short themed trail that is specially illuminated at night.
    On a short stretch of 105 m in the centre of Steinegg / Collepietra, we encounter 11 selected stars. Away from the sun, these are laid out in the correct scale. A light year here is 4 cm. You have to imagine that a light year is the enormous distance that light travels in one year. You have to bear in mind that light travels almost 300,000 km in one second. That is 9.46 trillion kilometres in one year.

    But what is a star?
    A star is a gigantic burning ball of gas. It consists of hydrogen and helium. When hydrogen burns, energy is released that we perceive as light and heat.

    How big is a star anyway?
    There are many stars that are significantly larger than our star, the Sun. For example, the star Antares is 820 times bigger than the Sun. In order to better understand these dimensions, we will find a comparison of the size of the star and the sun at the respective stations of the mini star trail.

    Why do stars shine in different colours?
    When observing the starry sky closely, we can also see with the naked eye that stars shine in different colours: reddish, bluish, white, etc. This has to do with the different surface temperatures of the stars. 

    In the evening and at night, the stars on the Mini - Star Trail are also illuminated from the inside with the right mixture of light.
    So it is now possible to walk along the romantically illuminated Mini - Star Trail in the centre of Steinegg / Collepietra in the evening and get to know exactly these peculiarities of the starry sky.
    The Mini - Star Trail is also barrier-free accessible.

    This theme trail is financed by the Interreg project Skyscape. The measures of the Interreg project "Skyscape" are supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020.
    Churches & Monasteries
    S. Joseph chapel
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The Joseph chapel at the 'Moartalalmwiese' (Moar Valley alpine meadow) was built in 1897 by the Association for Alpine Hotels. In the summer of the years prior to World War I, a mass was held there every day. For this reason, the management of the 'Grand Hotel Carezza' employed a hotel chaplain. In 1976, the parish of Nova Levante bought the chapel. Thereafter, the little church was renovated and extended. Today, it offers space for 200 people. The renovated chapel was consecrated on the 18th June 1983.

    Culture & Attractions
    Sellaronda ski tour
    Corvara, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    The circuit crosses the 4 Dolomite passes - Campolongo, Pordoi, Sella and Gardena - and 5 famous resorts: Corvara and Colfosco in Alta Badia, Arabba, Canazei and Selva di Val Gardena. In 2020, the Sellaronda was awarded the title of 'best ski tour' by the portal
    Alta Badia is the ideal starting point to begin the tour, which can be done clockwise or anticlockwise: either way, you will cross 40 km of beauty and enchantment, surrounded by the extraordinary Dolomite landscapes.
    Clockwise the signs are orange, anticlockwise green. 
    The slopes are suitable for skiers of average experience in good physical condition. For those who wish to dare more, there are some 'disgressions', such as the Gran Risa giant slalom slope in La Villa in Alta Badia or the Saslong descent in Santa Cristina in Val Gardena. 
    To complete the Sellaronda, one must calculate about 6 hours between descents, ascents and breaks included.

    Some data:
    • Total length: 40 km (lifts and slopes)
    • Slopes: 26 km
    • Ascent time on the lifts: approx. 2 hours - calculate that waiting times are possible
    • Average duration of descents: approx. 1.5 hours
    Forts & Castles
    Castle of Karneid|Cornedo
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The majestic Castle of Karneid is located high above the valley basin of Bozen at the entrance to the Eggental valley. The castle, which was built in the 12th century, was once the proud home of the noble Greifenstein family. In the 14th century, the castle came into the possession of the Lords of Völs, then to the later bailiff Heinrich Gessler and finally to the Counts of Lichtenstain. Today the castle is privately owned and is one of the most beautiful examples of medieval architecture in South Tyrol.

    Apart from a few minor details, the original form from the 16th century has remained unchanged to this day, and this is one of its special features. The interior of the castle offers a wealth of beautiful architectural and art-historical details of great interest.

    A guided tour of the castle will immerse you in history: magnificent knights' halls, an old chapel with valuable frescoes and mysterious corners that will bring you closer to life in the Middle Ages. 

    The castle can only be visited as part of a guided tour.
    Guided tours are offered in April, May, June, September and October. These always take place on Fridays at 3 pm.
    Registration is required: +39 0471 361313
    Minimum number of participants: 10 people

    Admission price:   
    Normal price: 7,00 Euro
    Reduced price: 5,00 Euro (pupils/students up to 25 years, senior citizens from 65 years)
    Forts & Castles
    Castel ruins Steinegg|Collepietra
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    You will come across the ruins of the castle ruins Steinegg at a picturesque vantage point. As you explore, you will experience a journey back in time.
    The lords of Völs|Fiè created a unique double castle complex here around 1200, of which there are only a few left in South Tyrol. The residential castle with a view to the south has almost completely disappeared today, but the remains of the fortified castle still sit proudly on an imposing rock above the Valley Eisack|Isarco.

    The well-preserved castle gate and parts of the south side of the defence walls tell of the castle's former strength. Here you can feel the history in every crack of stone - even if the battlements and tower have long since fallen victim to time.

    Just a 20-minute walk from the village centre of Steinegg, this special place awaits you with a wonderful view and the castle ruins of Steinegg. Another special feature is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the legend of ‘Die Sängerin vom Schloß Karneid’. The unique book in german languague was illustrated by the artist Lena Pichler from Steinegg and gives the ruins a special magic. 
    A place where the past, legends and nature merge together.

     The Steinegg castle ruins are not accessible without barriers.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Pilgrimage Maria Weißenstein
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    At an altitude of 1520m, Pietralba is the most significant place of pilgrimage in South Tyrol and among the region’s popular destinations, especially since the visit of Pope John Paul II in July 1988. Highlights include the large monastery and its collection of votive.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church Steinegg|Collepietra
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The parish church of Steinegg|Collepietra is a special place where art, history and spirituality come together in an impressive way. 
    First mentioned in 1322, the church, with its walls and works of art, tells of times gone by and living tradition. Originally dedicated to St Peter and St Jakobus, later only to St Peter, and today to St Peter and St Paul - the history of the patron saints reflects the development of this sacred building.

    On entering the church, the pointed arch-shaped main portal catches the eye, with its star-shaped vault dating from the first half of the 15th century. The choir, as you see it today, was built around 1664 and impresses with its three-sided apse. A special highlight can be found in the choir: a small, artistic sandstone statue of St Peter.

    The 35 metre high tower from the 15th century houses six bells that carry the sound of faith far into the valley. There is much to discover inside the church: The valuable Stations of the Cross date back to 1747 and the colourful frescoes, created by Karl Joh. Henrici in 1794, tell stories from the Bible and invite you to linger.

    The works of art from modern times also fit harmoniously into the story: The sculptor Friedrich Gurschler created the altar, the baptismal font and the lectern, while H. Peter Fellin painted the impressive altarpiece depicting the Most Holy Trinity - with the Virgin of Protection, embedded in the mountain landscape of the Rosengarten|Catinaccio, Schlern|Sciliar and Steinegg|Collepietra.

    Another highlight are the colourful stained glass windows, designed by Prof. Widmoser and masterfully realised by the artist Ulrike Peer Huber. The Stations of the Cross were carved by Jakob Oberhollenzer and the church patrons, St Peter and St Paul, were created by Matthias Resch from Steinegg.

    In the basement of the church you will find the Museum Steinegg and the Chapel of the Resurrection - a quiet place for contemplation. The cemetery, which is one of the most beautiful in South Tyrol, impresses with its artistically forged crosses and radiates a special tranquillity.

    Useful information:
    The church is always open during the day and is barrier-free.
    Masses are always held on Saturdays at 7.30 pm and on Sundays at 7.00 am and 10.00 am. 
    Gardencenter Lutz & Lintner
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Everything a gardener's heart desires!

    Visit us and see for yourself the selection and quality of our plants. Our plants are constantly freshly ordered and controlled, so we can guarantee the best quality.

    In our shop you will find not only the right plants and gift ideas, but also the right accessories for your home, gardening and forestry. On our shelves we present only quality products, carefully selected by us.

    Come by and see us. We will be happy to advise you on every purchase.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lech de Boé - Boé lake
    Corvara, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The idyllic mountain lake, situated at 2252 metres above sea level, lies in a deep natural basin surrounded by the rugged cliffs of the Sella Group. The lake can be reached from the top station of the Boé cable car in just 20 minutes on an easy footpath. Those who want to walk a little longer can reach the Franz Kostner hut on the Vallon from Lake Boé on path no. 638.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel "Zum Weißen Bild"
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The ‘Maria Hilf’ chapel in Steinegg|Collepietra, popularly known as ‘Zum Weißen Bild’, is a place of contemplation and a piece of living tradition in the region. Its nickname is derived from a valuable wayside shrine made of white marble, which is located directly opposite the chapel.

    The chapel was built at the end of the 18th century and was probably built in honour of the Madonna in gratitude for the happy outcome of a battle fought here against the French.
     It is a simple building with a white façade that impresses with its harmonious integration into the surrounding landscape. The interior is characterised by a lovingly designed altar and an artistic relief of the Madonna with child.

    The chapel is not only a popular destination for believers, but also for anyone seeking peace and a moment of contemplation. Its location, surrounded by idyllic nature and with views of the Dolomites, makes it a special place in Steinegg|Collepietra.
    Culture & Attractions
    Armentara meadows
    La Val, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The Armentara meadows, a natural biotope in which flora and fauna merge harmoniously, are a natural spectacle of rare beauty. By crossing soft mountain meadows, in summer you can admire rare orchids, silicate spruce trees, larch meadows, stone pine forests and more than 60 varieties of birds. Wide pastures testify the work of our farmers who have shaped the landscape respecting its delicate natural balance.

    In winter the Armentara meadows are the idyllic location for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

    Culture & Attractions
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Lo sapevi che il Lago di Carezza ha un fratello minore?

    Seguendo il sentiero [12] attraverso la foresta del Latemar, si arriva a uno specchio d'acqua segreto: il Mittersee o Lago di Mezzo. Non appena la neve inizia a sciogliersi, dove in realtà c'è solo un prato, emerge un lago. Il lago è alimentato da sorgenti sotterranee e per un breve periodo in primavera invita i più avventurosi a fare un giro su una zattera e i più coraggiosi a immergere i piedi nell'acqua fresca a 8 gradi.


    Culture & Attractions
    The Gran Risa slope
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The Gran Risa slope is one of the most technical slopes in the Alpine Ski World Cup circuit. With its gradient (average 36%) and curves the Gran Risa represents a challenge even for the greatest champions. In fact, the greatest ski stars such as the unforgettable Alberto Tomba who celebrated some of his greatest successes or Ted Ligety, Michael von Grünigen, Bode Miller and Marcel Hirscher have met here in recent years.

    The Gran Risa slope is one of the most technically and demanding slopes in the alpine ski circus. With an altitude difference of 448 m, a length of 1,255 m and a maximum gradient of 69%, it challenges the world's best skiers every year.

    The start of the piste can be reached from La Villa with the Piz La Ila cable car and via the ski slopes on the Piz La Ila - Piz Sorega plateau.

    The descent through the forest starts just below the junction of the black and red slopes of Piz La Ila and runs through the forest close to La Villa. Since the slope extends mostly north and long parts through the forest, it is in the shade for the entire day. This makes it particularly speedy and sometimes even icy.

    After overcoming the steep slope at the start, a marked bend leads the descent into a steep, narrow gully. The descent then leads to a second change of direction to arrive at the finish.

    If you want to follow the footsteps of the world's best skiers, such as Ingemar Stenmark, Mark Girardelli, Michael von Grünigen, Ted Ligety, Bode Miller, Marcel Hirscher and of course the most successful racer in Italy - Alberto Tomba, and try the Gran Risa, you should be a well-trained skier.

    But it’s worth to try, the satisfaction will be great because Gran Risa means pure emotion and adrenaline!

    Technical data of the slope

    Start at:1.868 m (6128ft)
    Finish at:1.420 m (4658ft)
    Drop: 448 m (1469ft)
    Length:1.255 m (4117ft)
    Maximum slope: 69%
    Average slope: 36%

    Forts & Castles
    The hamlets (les viles)
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The hamlets are farming communities spread over the slopes of Val Badia at an altitude of between 1200 and 1700 metres.

    They differ from typical farms in the rest of South Tyrol in their concentrated form as well as their basic structure and administration.

    The space under the bridge leading to the barn and the paths that link everything together belong to all the farmers in the hamlet.
    The surrounding field are devided so that each family can earn a living.

    The farm houses are located one next to the other in the hamlets and next to them the fodder stores, the corn silo, the wood shed, the well and a small chapel.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel of Saint Agatha
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Chapel of St. Agatha stands on a wooded hill in complete seclusion and silence. It remains unknown why it exists in such a remote place. It is speculated that there was a prehistoric settlement on this site, while the legendary Kegelberg hill and old mining tunnels can be found nearby.
    The building itself is of Romanesque origin, with the later extensive modifications showing ostensibly Gothic elements. The beautiful, stone-framed pointed-arch portal dates from that time, with its figurines of saints, grapevines and a zigzag band in the ogee, with a rod that ends to the left in a root and to the right in a shovel.
    The church interior underwent major renovation in the 17th century: the simple sandstone pulpit and richly carved altar date back to that time. Sadly, the free-standing statues were stolen by art thieves. The altarpiece by Orazio Giovanelli, showing St. Agatha and St. Anne with Jesus and Mary, dates back to 1619. Remains of old murals can also be seen on the church. The façade probably shows St. Christopher with the infant Jesus and scenes from the life of the patron saint, while inside parts of a nativity scene are visible.
    Location: Nova Ponente
    Opening times: The church is closed; the key is kept at the Unterkofelhof farm and may be collected from there.
    Culture & Attractions
    First World War ski tour
    Corvara, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    The centre point of the First World War ski tour is the symbolic mountain of the 1st world war, Mount Col di Lana. The 80 km (49 mi) tour takes you around this mountain. Everywhere, you will find traces of World War 1: Artefacts from the war era, trenches running right through the rocks, parapet walks and forts.

    In Alta Badia, you will start in Corvara and go to Campolongo Pass until you reach Arabba. Via Arabba and Porta Vescovo, you will reach Malga Ciapela/Marmolada. From here, you can take a detour to Marmolada Glacier (3,342 m / 10,964 ft). The lifts at Marmolada are included in the Dolomiti Superski pass.

    Continue with the ski bus to Alleghe, where you can explore the runs of the skiing region Civetta. The ski bus takes you from Pescul to the Fedare hut (Giau Pass). From the Fedare slope you reach the forcella Croda Negra (Croda Negra pass) with a two-seater chair-lift.

    On the north side of the Forcella Negra the new Averau-Troi ski track brings you to the Col Gallina and to Passo Falzarego where you continue for Alta Badia with the Lagazuoi ski tour.

    For the whole tour you need approximately 7 and 8 hours. Therefore, we recommend to take off in the early morning in order to finish the tour in time before the lifts close.

    The tour can be done either clockwise or anti-clockwise, and in both cases there are sections in the ski bus, the ticket for which must be purchased directly on board - not included in the ski pass. The counter-clockwise route includes an atmospheric section of approx. 1.5 km in which skiers are pulled by a parade of Norse horses. 

    One of the most spectacular descents of this tour is definitely the ski slope that from the top of Lagazuoi descends towards Armentarola in Alta Badia, the longest ski slope in the Dolomites.

    Culture & Attractions
    Planetarium Südtirol | Alto Adige
    Karneid/Cornedo all'Isarco, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The small village of Gummer | San valentino in Campo is home to the only planetarium in South Tyrol. This special place in Europe's first Star Village is a must for anyone fascinated by the starry sky and the secrets of the universe.
    Here you can immerse yourself in the magic of the universe - without a telescope!
    Sit in comfortable armchairs and gaze into the dome of the Star Room to experience realistic simulations of the starry sky and virtually fly through distant galaxies.
    Most shows and performances are accompanied by guides and experts who bring you closer to the universe in a unique way. Whether day or night, summer or winter - a visit to the planetarium is always an experience you will remember for a long time.

    The planetarium's Star Room has 53 seats and 2 spaces for wheelchairs. The entire structure is barrier-free.

    The planetarium is only open during the presentations. These will be held in German or Italian.
    Please book your tickets in advance - either directly via the website, by e-mail( or by telephone on +39 0471 610 020.

    Click here for the current weekly programme

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church Nova Ponente/Deutschnofen
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The parish church of Nova Ponente, a Gothic building dating from the 15th century, has an impressively beautiful sandstone cladding. The inscription in the choir vault gives its date of origin: the cornerstone was laid on 5 July 1455 by Pastor Johannes Steel. Below the inscription is the coat of arms of the Diocese of Trento with the eagle, along with that of the then Bishop Georg Hack with its thin branch, also chosen as the heraldic symbol of the municipality of Nova Ponente.

    The building was completed in sections, as suggested by the differences in the foundations and the sandstone cladding. Construction work was not completed until 1498, with the church consecrated on 16 September of the same year. In order to imagine it in its pure and original form, the new sacristy at the northeast corner and the organ loft with its outside staircase must be ignored. The interior of the church was vastly improved by the most recent renovation in the summer of 1975. The two neo-Gothic altars date from 1900, with a new organ installed in 1976.

    Of particular note in the church are the four old relief panels on the high altar, showing the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magi, the Presentation at the Temple and the Death of the Virgin. The panels are from a famous large triptych, created around 1420 by the Master Hans von Judenburg for Bolzano’s Parish Church, as was the group of the Visitation on the wall of the choir. The main figures on the high altar – Our Lady of the Rosary and the church’s two patron saints - are beautiful works by the Innsbruck sculptor Dominikus Trenkwalder from around 1900. The relief figures of St. Barbara and St. Catherine as well as the relief panel of the Visitation, also on the choir walls, date back to around 1500. The sandstone pulpit from the early 16th century is held by Karl Atz in his “History of Art from Tyrol and Vorarlberg” to be one of the most beautiful of its kind in the entire land.

    Old relief medallions of the mysteries of the rosary are inserted into the neo-Gothic rosary altar; the altarpiece was created by Franz Unterberger. Franz Haider’s beautiful nativity figures can be seen at Christmastime on this altar: his figurines and statues of saints are to be found throughout the Reggelberg area and he was a long-time resident of Monte San Pietro. The bell tower is for the most part much older than the present-day church. It dates back to the Romanesque era; inside can clearly be seen two rows of coupled arched windows that were later walled up. The tower formerly belonged to the old parish church of St. Benedict, documented as early as 1265. Today’s cupola was added in 1793 after lightning badly damaged both the tower and the church roof.

    Another special feature of the church is that the pews have brass plaques, some with a rune-like mark next to the occupant’s name. These are the old house and farm marks of Nova Ponente. Each farm would use its mark to identify tools, grain sacks, logs and the like that were offered for sale. Many such marks can also be seen painted with red ochre on the outer walls of the church, now faded on account of the wind and rain. The impressive war memorial (1967) on the northern wall of the cemetery is by the South Tyrolean sculptor Martin Rainer, who was in 1976 awarded the Walther von der Vogelweide prize.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church of Monte San Pietro
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The long aisle in the monastery is impressive, with its many votive plaques. Maria Weissenstein / Pietralba (1,520 meters above sea-level) is South Tyrol's most-important place of pilgrimage. It is among the most highly venerated religious sites in the entire province. This place of pilgrimage has been served by good roads from two directions for a couple of decades, now. The one road comes from the Eggen Valley, via Deutschnofen / Nova Ponente and Petersberg / Monte S. Pietro to Weissenstein/Pietralba. The other road ascends from the Etsch/Adige Valley, touches Aldein/Aldino, and ends in Weissenstein/Pietralba. The stream of pilgrims has increased markedly since the visit here by Pope John Paul II in July of 1988. This place of pilgrimage – including the church, the Pilgrims' House (built in 1897), the souvenir store, the inn (built in 1708), and the parking lot – is well-equipped not only for devout pilgrims, but also for the many hikers who stop by here. Open daily from 8:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m.

    Oberholz Mountain Hut
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental

    This mountain hut, located at 2.096m next to the cable station Oberholz in Obereggen, Dolomites, contains a restaurant and is located with direct connection to the ski slope. The cantilevering structure grows out of the hill like a fallen tree with three main branches creating a symbiosis with the landscape. Each of them is facing towards the three most important surrounding mountains: Mendola, Corno Nero and Corno Bianco. At the end of the branches a large glass facade frames the surrounding mountains from the interior of the hut. The sloped roof shape of the glasses takes his inspiration from typical huts in the area, while the branching roof and complex structural interior expresses a new and contemporary interpretation of the classic mountain hut. The interior is defined by a complex curvilinear and visible wood structure that gradually fades into walls and creates so called “pockets” for intimacy. The entire hut is constructed with wood: structural elements and interior in spruce, the facade in larch, furniture in oak - all typical woods from the area.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel S. Sebastian
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The chapel is consecrated to the saints Rochus and Sebastian and owes its existence to an oath which the people of Nova Levante made during the plague in 1635/36. However, the chapel was only built between 1662 and 1666 and inaugurated in 1697. The long space of time between the oath and the chapel's completion was due to the fact that the people of Nova Levante were in disagreement over the location. The chapel is a building with a round apse, barrel vault and low-arch windows. Inside, there are several altars, the pulpit, sculptures and paintings - Baroque works from the 17th Century.
    The chapel is not open to the public. The key for the chapel is available at the Romantikhotel Post Weisses Rössl in Nova Levante.

    Culture & Attractions
    Lake Carezza
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    Every vacationer in South Tyrol has to visit Lake Carezza, the most gorgeous Alpine mountain lake!
    This small mountain lake is well-known for its soft, deep green waters and the exquisite view of the Rosengarten and Latemar mountain ranges.

    The lake is at its most gorgeous in the evening or early morning, when the Rosengarten-Latemar mountain ranges and the green of the Karerwald forest are reflected in its crystal clear water. This is a natural spectacle you won't want to miss!

    Many South Tyrolean legends are based around the lake, such as that of the water nymph, and many writers and painters have chosen the motif for their paintings and stories.

    Situated at 1,520 metres above sea level, Lake Carezza is 300 m long and 140 m wide in the Val d'Ega municipality of Nova Levante and is a protected natural monument. It is fed by underground springs from the Latemar mountain range, which is why both its size and depth are highly dependent on season and weather conditions - the greatest depth of Lake Carezza has been recorded at 22 m.

    As Lake Carezza is a protected area, it is forbidden to cross the protective boundaries around the lake. Likewise, bathing and swimming in it is also strictly prohibited.  

    Lake Carezza is accessible without barriers. At the car park of the lake there are a total of 4 parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities. At the lake there is a visitor centre with barrier-free toilets and a barrier-free passage to the lake. The viewing platform and the circular walk around the lake are also barrier-free. 

    There are refreshment facilities at the visitor centre, which include two bistros. Other places to stop are the restaurants and huts in the area.

    Lake Carezza is accessible around the clock all year round. The visitor centre with its subway for pedestrians and the toilets are open daily from 9 am - 6 pm.

    For more info on Lake Carezza, click here:

    Culture & Attractions
    Eggental Mountain Cinema Latemar meadows
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental
    Mountain cinema in the Val d’Ega

    After an easy, short hike along the path [17] from the Karer Pass/Passo Costalunga, you reach the mountain cinema Latemar meadows.

    Today's blockbuster is called "The wild mountain range on the horizon - the Rosengarten/Catinaccio". Visitors can enjoy the peace and quiet at the foot of the Latemar and the changing sky of a thousand colours around the Catinaccio. Don’t forget to bring your own popcorn!

    Churches & Monasteries
    Welschnofen Parish Church
    Welschnofen/Nova Levante, Dolomites Region Eggental

    The current parish church was dedicated in May 1967 after a 2-year construction phase. It is a modern church with a low aisle under a sharp, gabled roof. The parish tower (37 m high) is a testimony to the oldest building activity in the village. The foundation dates back to the 13th century. In 1741, it was renovated from the belfry upward. The tower was given its octagonal center and its onion dome in 1741.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel of St. Helena
    Deutschnofen/Nova Ponente, Dolomites Region Eggental
    The Chapel of St. Helena is particularly impressive on account of its rich frescoes, a major work of the Bolzano school of painting from around 1400. Art historians state that these are closely related to the murals in the Parish Church of Terlano and the Church of St. Catherine in Aica by Fiè. The Niederthor crest on the triumphal arch strongly suggests that the painting of St. Helena – like that in Terlan – was commissioned by the noble Niederthor family. Concealed behind paint for a long time, the coat of arms was once more revealed in 1885 and fully restored in 1938.
    The outer walls feature images of St. Helena, St. Christopher and a crucifixion group on the façade, while on the south wall towards the apse there are representations of Mary with the infant Jesus and the three Holy Virgins, Catherine, Barbara and Margaret.
    Inside the church, vaulted frescoes in the nave show the four evangelists with their respective symbols, each with an excerpt from his gospel. In the apse Christ appears enthroned as judge, surrounded by the symbols of the evangelists. The series of the twelve apostles below was partially destroyed during a subsequent extension of the windows. The triumphal arch points in the direction of the nave to the story of Cain and Abel, while the intrados depicts scenes from the Creation. The side walls of the nave feature images from the life of the Mother of God and Jesus’s childhood: the Annunciation, the Visit of Mary to Elisabeth, Mary and Joseph, the Adoration of the Magi, the Presentation at the Temple and the Flight into Egypt. On the west wall opposite the altar are St. Helena, St. Sebastian, a proclamation and the Bishops Ulrich and Wolfgang.
    The church is Romanesque in its basic features and probably goes back to the 12th century. The small, rough stone relief to the far right of the façade dates from the 14th century. In 1410 the church was re-consecrated following completion of the painting. In 1500 the tower was given its wide pointed-arch window; the deeper-lying, coupled round-arched windows were bricked up. The altar structure dates back to the first half of the 17th century; the altarpiece is signed “J. G. Plazer 1723”.
    The Church of St. Helena stands, according to legend, on silver ore. An ancient tradition tells of mining activities in the immediate vicinity of the church: G. Innerebner lists the church hill below the prehistoric settlements as a probable place of worship and orientation.
    A detailed description and interpretation of the frescoes appears in the colour guide “St. Helena near Nova Ponente” SB 21 (M. Frei).
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