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    Bezienswaardig Zuid-Tirol

    Kastelen en paleizen, musea, kunst, historische schatten en hedendaagse locaties. Ook deze attracties en bezienswaardigheden maken deel uit van een geslaagde ontdekkingsreis door Zuid-Tirol.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The church of our Lady of Villa
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road
    Evidence of a church in this area dates back to the mid-13th century, but the construction of the building as we know it today began in 1412 when the choir loft was built by Konrad von Neumarkt. It was completed when the vault was finished at the beginning of the 16th century. The façade of the church is dominated by the bell tower, which stands above the entrance and forms a vestibule leading to the entrance portal. Next to it, a niche for donations is decorated with a fresco of a Madonna and Child, and on the west side of the tower, a small wooden roof protects a fresco of St. Christopher with the Child Jesus. The interior of the church looks light and elegant. Light streams through eight windows, four of which belong to the choir. Of particular value are the Gothic tabernacle and the pulpit base. Of the frescoes in the interior that have survived the test of time, those on the south wall are attributed to the painter Konrad Waider at the beginning of the 16th century. Coat of arms paintings of the Payr of Caldiff and Khuen mark their tombs on the north side of the nave. In 1767, the church was desecrated because the Trudner Bach, which had overflowed its banks, had destroyed a large part of the interior. As a result, it was used, among other things, as a storeroom. Around the middle of the last century, people became aware of the artistic value of the building, restored it, and consecrated it again. Today the church "Unsere Liebe Frau in der Vill" is considered one of the most beautiful late Gothic churches in the country.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church San Nicolò
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The parish church of Neumarkt/Egna is dedicated to St. Nicholas. The Romanesque porch dates back to the 12th century and was renovated in the 15th century. The tower was built in the 13th century. The choir, built by the master stonemason Konrad von Neumarkt, is an excellent example of late Gothic architecture.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish Church San Biagio

    The Parish Church San Biagio was built in the 11th century in romanic stile. During some conversions till the 16th century it becames a Gothic church. Particularly impressive is the statue of the Merciful Mother inside the church.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Widum – Pfarrhaus” (Widum – Rectory)
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    In 1336 we find the first evidence of an independent Montan parish priest. Whether he already lived in this house, however, is not attested. Only in 1537/38 - Christian Seidl from Reichental in the diocese of Salzburg was parish priest at that time - is a Widum mentioned, which is described as very small, old and dilapidated.

    The parish priest Alexander Giovanelli, who worked here from 1702 to 1743, rebuilt the vicarage at great expense and settled the matter with the parish and the church provost in 1734.

    The frescoes, St. Nepomuk (water and bridge saint and at the same time the only saint with a star wreath) and the "Mater Dolorosa", whose worship was promoted by parish priest Alexander Giovanelli, were probably also painted at this time. In the Widum there is a panelled farmhouse parlour with an old fireplace, as well as an archive with 233 volumes and baptismal, marriage and death registers from the 16th century. These have been preserved despite looting and arson by the French.

    In the cadastre of 1775, the Widumhof has a stable and barn, "torggl" (wine press), herb garden and small meadows with fruit trees, arable land and vineyards.

    Churches & Monasteries
    St. Andrea church in Chiusa/Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The church is mentioned for the first time in the year 1208. The today lategothical building was implemented by the master Benedikt Weibhauser from Brixen and inaugurated in the year 1494. On the inside a leaflet explains the building history of the church and the artistic equipement.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The La Crusc/Santa Croce Sanctuary
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia
    Many centuries ago, when Alta Badia was still largely uninhabited, La Crusc (Holy Cross) seems to have been a pagan place of worship. It was probably the unfavourable living conditions of the area that led the first Christians to construct a sanctuary here.

    Around 1010 the monks built a chapel at La Crusc where a small church was erected in the 15th century. At the end of the 17th century the church was deconsecrated by the then Austrian Emperor and was subsequently left to decay. Pilgrims and valley dwellers rescued the little church by partially rebuilding it, and some years later in the middle of the 18th century it was enlarged and embellished with a bell tower.

    For a long time the existence of La Crusc as a place of pilgrimage had been established on the basis of documents from the year 1511. And then two further parchment documents emerged with evidence pointing to an earlier existence. The first mentioned a church consecration; the second contained the story of “Morellus de Caninis” who made a pilgrimage to Rome in 1500 in order to seek favours for the La Crusc church.

    Numerous relics are preserved in the altar of the church, such as those of St Leonhard (to whom the parish church of San Leonardo/Badia is dedicated), St Hippolitus, St Virgilius (Bishop of Salzburg), St Mary Magdalena, St Agnes and St Barbara.

    Nowadays there are several processions to the church during the summer season, and there is an important service on the first Sunday in June.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of San Gertrude
    Margreid an der Weinstraße/Magrè sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The parish church of St. Gertrude in Magrè sull Strada del Vino is one of the most curious churches in Bassa Atesina, since the church tower is separated from the nave by a street. This, however, was not always the case. The church was first documented in the year 1343; at this time, the nave was located next to the tower and was considerably smaller than it is today. In 1466, the church was rebuilt and the church tower, which contains two beautiful bells from the 16th century, was made taller in 1513. At the beginning of the 17th century, the rectory was built and building on a larger parish church was begun. For lack of space, the church was built on the other side of the street, which led to its separation from the tower. The new church was dedicated to St. Gertrude and the old building was torn down. The baroque interior of the St. Gertrude parish church is one of the most beautiful in Alto Adige. It is very bright and clearly structured. The altar wall is made of stucco marble and shows a fresco of St. Gertrude. The only original furnishings which remain are the side altars, certain sculptures and some paintings.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church S. Margherita
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The parish church of Cauria is dedicated to Santa Margherita. It was built in the 13th century and rebuilt in gothic style.



    Churches & Monasteries
    Little church "Holy Jakob" in Lazfons/Latzfons
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The church from Latzfons was mentioned for the first time in 1153 and is therefore older than the church in Klausen. The tower originates from tha 14th century and the again-gothical mechanism remained unchanged by the change in the year 1999.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of San Giorgio
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The St. George church in Graun/Corona stems from the 14th century. The tower is decorated with a newly restored fresco of St. Chritopher.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Stephanus
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Stephanus Church was originally built in Romanesque style around the year 1200. Afterwards the church was rebuilt in the Gothic style. Inside the church there's the famous winged altar, which was created around 1485 by the South-Tyrolean artist Hans Klocker. Today, this altar is one of the biggest and most beautiful winged altars of Tyrol.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church "Holy Martin" in Gudon/Gufidaun
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    This church in Gufidaun originates from the 15th century. The cultivated vestry, also called Koburger chapel, contains a noteworthy fresco cycle of the Ambrosius Gander from the valley "Jaufental". Holy Mass: Saturday at 18:00 clock and Sunday at 9:00 clock (german)

    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church Montagna
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The parish church of Montan/Montagna is dedicated to St. Bartholomew. The majestic façade of the church fits perfectly into the picturesque village-scape. The neo-Romanesque broad front is impressive. The tower, which dates back to the 12th / 13th century, is the oldest part of the church. The church owes its present form to a new building constructed in the 19th century (1875-1881). A special piece of equipment of the parish church is the pulpit, whose openwork sandstone tracery forms the year 1489.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Capuchin monastery
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Capuchin monastery and its small church were built between 1617 and 1620. The church has a simple design in accordance with the style and regulations of the Capuchin Order: simple in terms of furnishings, bare walls, barrel vaults, and a side chapel on the south side. The high altar is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The pulpit and the side altars are neo-Romanesque and date back to the 19th century. The altar of the side chapel contains a statue of the mother of God with Child from the middle of the 16th century, which is said to have miraculous powers. Between 1999 and 2003, the whole complex was carefully restored. In the little church, this also led to the renewal of the windows and the benches, which – in harmony with the surroundings – are now simple and linear. Thus, the light penetrates through seven beautiful glass panes that seem to communicate with the faithful through their symbolic meaning of colors and number.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The church of St. Ingenuin and Albuin in Saubach
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The patrons of the Saubach parish church are St. Ingenuin and St. Albuin. The church was first mentioned in 1398. However, the choice of patrons concludes that the church is much older. Today this olt, gothic church is an attraction for many art lovers. It was built during the 15th Century. The consecration of the altars took place in 1502. When you go inside of the church on the porphyry portal with its pointed arch, you will immediately be impressed by the delicate rips of the net-like vault, the four custom-made windows and the three wing altars. In 1925, a fire did substantial damage the church, but with the help of donations from all around the country, the helmet-like tower and the roof could be renewed. Information about opening times at the Barbiano Tourist Information Office, +39 0471 654411,
    The keys are available in the Tschörlerhof, (+39 0471 654032, in the morning) and in the Gasthof Saubacherhof (+39 0471 654344, in the afternoon,) or by telephone arrangement.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The Holy Trinity Church in Colma/Kollmann
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Holy Trinity Church in Kollmann was previously called the customs chapel and was connected to the customs office by a wooden walkway. The church itself was built around 1588 and nearly destroyed by a fire in 1938. In the meantime, it has been renovated. It is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Holy Mass: Sunday at 8:30 clock or 10:00 clock (german)

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church of San Leonhard
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    At the top of a little hill you can find the small church of Favogna di Sotto, dedicated to S.Leonardo. It is surrounded by an iron which, according to a old legend, is extended for one link every seven years and when the church is completely enclosed by the chain, the end of the world is near.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Monastic Church at Säben
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The simple building established 1687 from Giovanni Delai. After a collapse a new consecration took place in 1693 . A splendourful iron lattice separates on the inside the visitor from the sister

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church St. Georg in Snodres/Schnauders
    Feldthurns/Velturno, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Twenty minutes on Feldthurns is free on hilltop of St. George in Schnauders, a beautiful small building of the later Gothic, first attested in the 14th century. Your current form received this church partly in the 16th and partly in the 19th century. Interior and exterior renovated in 2007.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Abbey Monastero di Sabiona/Kloster Säben
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Säben Mountain and its monastery deserve great attention for their archaeology, history, and art.

    The artist Sonja Hofer from Klausen describes the fortress above Klausen as follows: "Sublime and striking, yet also slightly cold, the pale, pseudoromantic architecture of the monastery, marked by rigid symmetry, stands out starkly against the sky."

    There is much to tell about the historically significant fortress above Klausen: Around the year 1000, the bishop’s seat was moved from Säben to Brixen. Until then, the Holy Cross Church served as the "Cathedral of the Diocese of Sabiona" for nearly 400 years.

    The "Holy Mountain" is one of the oldest pilgrimage sites in Tyrol, with the well-known Ladin Cloister first mentioned in 1503. For over 335 years, Benedictine nuns shaped the Holy Mountain before leaving the monastery in November 2021. Since September 7, 2024, a new era has begun under Father Kosmas Thielmann OCist: the Cistercians from Heiligenkreuz Abbey have breathed new life into the monastery. Their goal is to reestablish Säben as a spiritual center and significant pilgrimage destination in South Tyrol.

    Daily Mass is celebrated at 11:30 a.m. in the monastery church.

    With support from the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone and the local community, the monastery aims to provide a space for prayer and meditation, as well as a place for encounter and exchange. More Cistercian monks are expected to join, strengthening the monastic community and revitalizing Säben's centuries-old tradition.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The Holy Grave Chapel in Barbiano/Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The Holy Grave chapel is situated just below the road, which connects Waidbruck to Barbian, just near the Wohlaufhof (farmhouse). The chapel has a very simple baroque altar. This little chapel was probably built during the 17th century in connection with a crusade. This impression is strengthened by three road crosses, which can be found in the surrounding area. In 1701, the chapel underwent a renovation paid for by Mr. Leiter, the post master of Kollmann and was cleaned up again in 1983. Ask for the key from the nearby „Wohlaufhof“, tel. 0471 654 024

    Churches & Monasteries
    Dear Woman Church at Säben
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Dear Woman Church The building was established by Giacomo Delai between 1652 and 1658. On the inside on can admire the cover paintings of the baroque painter Stefan Kessler, magnificent stucco works of Francesco Carlone and Simon Delai.
    This church is open to visiti from july to septembre every tuesday, friday and saturday from 2 to 5 pm. In octobre to mid of novembre is open only on friday and saturday from 2 to 5 pm.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Trechiese Barbiano/Dreikirchen Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Three small churches, the church of Saint Gertraud, Saint Nikolaus and Saint Magdalena, built in the 12th and 15th century in an incredibly beautiful location with a fantastic view over the Isarco Valley. Visitors will be surprised by the level of artistic skill of the late-Gothic frescoes. This location can only be reached on foot over beautiful paths. Ask for the key from the nearby Messner restaurant. Guided tours are available on request, please call +39 0471 650 059. Holy Mass: July and August Sunday at 10:30 clock (german). Open from March to Mid Novembre, winter closed.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Chapel of the dead - Totenkirchl
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The chapel of the dead is situated at an altitude of 2186 metres between the mountain pass of Villandro and Sarentino on the high plateau of the Villandro Alp. The little church has to be renovated constantly due to the unique location. The last renovation was in 1981 by the “shooters of Villandro – Villanderer Schützen”. The crucifixion group inside the chapel is larger than life, for this reason it impresses every visitor. To the chapel of the dead leads a way of the cross which is 4 km long and has 14 stations. Besides, a way of the cross leads from Sarentino to the little church.

    Churches & Monasteries
    The crooked church tower of Barbian
    Barbian/Barbiano, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The church of Barbian was built in the 13th century consecrated to the apostle and patron Saint Jacob. Today the only remaining of the old church is he bell tower. The church was constructed in a Romanesque style and in the year 1472 it obtained Gothic elements. In 1874 – 1877 the Neo-Romanesque nave was added to the Gothic main body (today’s sacristy). The inclination of the campanile is attributed to the different grounding on which the tower was built. The half on the downhill side lies on the unstable soil of the Central Uplands and the other half on solid quartz-phillite-rocks. Ing. Fulvio Pisetta carried out a mechanical intervention in 1985 – 1988 to assure the stability of the church tower. Height: 37,00 metres Inclination: 1,56 metres

    Churches & Monasteries
    Holy Cross Curch - Convent Sabiona
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Holy Cross Curch The continuity of the cult reaches from the early Middle Ages over the Roman and gothical church to the present building, which developed around 1679. The inside surprises by the winding and ceiling paintings, which probably come from a native painter. In the apsis is the cross of the master Leonhard from Brixen.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Church Sanct Valentin Villandro/Villanders
    Villanders/Villandro, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    The church of the saint Valentin is located by the side of the road from Chiusa to Villandro. It is a single-nave construction with a presbytery and a lateral spire. In 1303 the church was mentioned the first time, though it burned down around 1400. During the reconstruction the church received the impressive gothic stellar vault instead of the flat ceiling. The altar inside is a splendid carved work and displays the bishop saint Valentin. Frescos at the west façade, which depict mother Anne with Mary Baby Jesus, are valuable art property. The figures are petite with a soft and round arrangement of the folds. Around 1400 the so called beautiful and soft style reached Tyrol and the patterned halos and picture frames with geometric adornment were characteristics of the style.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Hospital church in Chiusa/Klausen
    Klausen/Chiusa, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    After 1200 bishop Konrad von Rodank established a house, in order to be able to offer travelers accommodation and care - therefore the name "Hospital Church". After numerous floodings only and alone the small, round place of worship kept until today.

    Churches & Monasteries
    Castle chapel of Schenna
    Schenna/Scena, Meran/Merano and environs
    The castle chapel is a very special place, home to artistic treasures and at the same time hiding a small secret.

    During the restoration of the castle chapel, previously unknown inscriptions came to light, recalling dramatic events of the 17th century, in which a woman venerated as a saint played a key role.
    Magnificent paintings from the 17th to the 19th century depict religious scenes, also providing clues about the owners of Schenna Castle.
    The castle chapel is an active part of the religious life in Schenna and is used for various celebrations throughout the church year.
    Churches & Monasteries
    Parish church of San Nicolò
    Kurtatsch an der Weinstraße/Cortaccia sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The Saint Nicholas church in Penon was first mentioned during the 14th Century. It is worth visiting the sacramental house made of sandstone, which possibly dates from around 1380 - Alto Adige's oldest example carved in stone.