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    Bezienswaardig Zuid-Tirol

    Kastelen en paleizen, musea, kunst, historische schatten en hedendaagse locaties. Ook deze attracties en bezienswaardigheden maken deel uit van een geslaagde ontdekkingsreis door Zuid-Tirol.

    Forts & Castles
    The Skeleton of Hauenstein
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    About an hour from Seis am Schlern you will find the ruins of Hauenstein on an enormous mountain slope. These ruins were once home to poet and singer Oswald von Wolkenstein, and every so often in the quiet of the night, one can hear the sounds of violins and the mournful song of a maiden who is said to have been bewitched there. Late one evening, shepherds were guarding their flocks around the castle. They sat to rest at the entrance to the castle and recounted one tale after another. All of a sudden, they sensed that somebody in the castle had opened a window. They looked up and saw, through the shimmering light of the open window, a woman combing her long hair. Her head, however, was but a skull, and the shepherds blood curdled at the sight of such beautiful hair growing from a head so fearsome. The woman threw stones and sand at the flock of sheep, who ran in terror. It's believed that the skeleton is the wife of a banished knight, destined to roam the castle until the return of her lost spouse.

    Forts & Castles
    Matsch, the mountaineering village
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The scheme to promote mountaineering villages in the Alpine regions supports environmentally-friendly, natural tourism. The network unites villages with a thriving natural and cultural landscape, which have been spared major technical innovations and where mountains and mountaineering are an integral part of the identity.
    From leisurely “Waalweg” irrigation-channel trails through to the three-thousand metre climbs – enjoy all the authenticity of the Matsch Valley. The living traditions and customs offer you an insight into the active village community, and a stop-off to wander round the castle ruins at the entrance to the village brings the dreaded Matsch robber-barons back to fearsome life.

    Forts & Castles
    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal

    The Hill of the Holy Sepulchre is the most beautiful viewpoint of Tiso. The Holy Grave Chapel was built as a baroque building at the end of the 17th century. In it, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ was worshiped. After the entry of Italy into the First World War in May 1915, fortifications were built here on the order of the Austrian Empire army. They should serve as a defense against a possible invasion of Italian troops in the Isarco Valley, if the Dolomite front should fall. The trenches and a bunker were built by Russian prisoners. However, the defenses were not used during the First World War. However, during the final months of World War II, the bunker was used by the village population as protection against air raids and bombing.

    Forts & Castles
    Trainstation of the old Val di Fiemme railway track
    Auer/Ora, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The train station of the old Val di Fiemme railway was the starting point of the line extending from Auer/Ora to Predazzo, passing through Montan/Montagna, Truden/Trodena, and Kaltenbrunn/Fontanefredde. In 1894, the construction of a railroad had already been considered. Prompted by WWI, the Austrian army command ordered construction of the railway in 1916; it was an important means of supplying the Dolomite Front. From 1918 onward, the railway also carried passengers. In 1930, the train - which was pulled by a steam engine - was electrified, thus reducing the travel time from 4 to 2 hours. Due to increasing mobilization and the establishment of a bus connection to Val di Fiemme, the train lost its importance. On January 10, 1963, the train ran one last time from, Auer to Predazzo, before being decommissioned. Today, the railway track is a popular path for cycling tours or hiking excursions. The old train station Auer Val di Fiemme is the location of several cultural events and concerts.

    Forts & Castles
    Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures, Ahrntal/Valle Aurina

    10 meditational spots are found along the side of the path until you reach the "Franziskus and Klara" chapel, the ruin from the Toblburg Castle.

    Forts & Castles
    Farmhouse Campitello - Stegerhof
    Jenesien/San Genesio Atesino, Bolzano/Bozen and environs

    First documented in 1180, from year 1600 it has been used as a holiday station by the Agostinian monks from the convent of Muri Gries. All around the little church of S. Magdalene you can find the old master's house, the prelate's house, the 'Stegerhof' with its rural buildings that is nowadays' summer residence of the Benedictine monk of Muri Gries.

    Forts & Castles
    Bunker Mals
    Mals/Malles, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    As a place of passage over the Alps, the Upper Vinschgau has always been of military interest. Not only the Romans, the Habsburgs and Napoleon passed through here, but also the Second World War left its traces. Most of these traces, however, are not visible to the naked eye, as they are monumental underground bunkers that were planned as defensive installations and places of refuge. The hidden fortresses were part of the Alpine Wall, but were never used for military purposes.
    Today, the architectural relics from the interwar period are embedded in the orchards and pastures of the surrounding area.

    Bunker guided tours (in German or Italian): every Thursday from June to October. Registration and information on +39 0473 831 190

    Forts & Castles
    Site of the Roman settlement Sebatum
    St.Lorenzen/San Lorenzo di Sebato, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Site of the Roman settlement Sebatum, once spreading from the Schraffl-Bühel vis-à-vis the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche guite far downstream the Rienz on both sides (new digs have been undertaken from time to time). There are remains of residential buildings, storehouses and troop quarters.

    Forts & Castles
    Ruins of Rasen
    Rasen-Antholz/Rasun Anterselva, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Around 1200 the ruins of Rasen ( Neurasen und Altrasen ) were habitation and court of the sires of Rasen. 
    The Rasun Nuova Castle in Oberrasen is privately owned and belongs to the Burgfrieder farm.

    Forts & Castles
    Castle ruin of Montechiaro
    Prad am Stilfser Joch/Prato allo Stelvio, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    The ruins of Lichtenberg Castle are perched high above the town of Montechiaro/Lichtenberg near Prato/Prad at the Passo dello Stelvio/ Stilfserjoch Pass. The castle has a rich history of Minnesang, a courtly tradition of lyric and song that was popular in the Middle Ages.

    The Count of Tyrol held the enlarged castle up until 1513; the Counts of Khuen-Belasi subsequently took it over, and still own it today. The castle’s tradition of minstrelsy is still visible in the fragments and traces of once-sumptuous fresco decoration leftover from the heyday of the courts. Most of the fresco cycle was removed in 1912, and was transferred to the Ferdinandeum Museum in Innsbruck.

    Forts & Castles
    Stufles, the oldest district of Bressanone
    Brixen/Bressanone, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Stufels is a hidden jewel of Brixen: Inhabited in the neolithic and roman periods, it is considered one of the most charming quarters of the episcopal city. Located between the rivers Eisack and Rienz, Stufels has a picturesque building stock. With its  guardian angel church, attractive shops and artistic highlights, Stufels invites you to stroll around as well as take a relaxing stroll along the riverbank. Whoever visits Stufels approaches Brixen's actual core: quality of life in its most beautiful form.

    Places to See
    Mansio Endidae
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    During some excavations in the "Kahn" area in 1983, remains of an ancient Roman edifice were found. Those remains almost certainly belong to the "Endidae Mansio," which appears in the "Itinerarium Antonini." The large edifice with ground area of 737 m² featured a rectangular shape with a huge arcade and a central, partly roofed court. Several rooms were built around the court, which were probably relaxation rooms (cubicula) and a kitchen.


    Forts & Castles
    Gustav Mahler's small house of musical creation
    Toblach/Dobbiaco, Dolomites Region 3 Zinnen

    The summer residence (1908 - 1910) of the famous Bohemian Composer Gustav Mahler. The small house of Musical creation is located in Carbonin Vecchia/Altschluderbach.

    During the sommermonth between 1908-1910 Gustav Mahler composed some of his most famous works in this simple wooden cabin in the heart of the Dolomites: the 9th and 10th symphonies and the "Lied von der Erde".

    “How can people forever think,” cried Mahler “that Nature lies on the surface! Of course it does, in its most superficial aspect. But those who, in the face of Nature, are not overwhelmed with awe at its infinite mystery, its divinity (we can only sense it, not comprehend or penetrate it) -- these people have not come close to it. […] And in every work of art, which should be a reflection of Nature, there must be a trace of this infinity.”

    Forts & Castles
    Schluderns/Sluderno, Vinschgau/Val Venosta

    Ganglegg is the best-researched fortified Bronze-Age/Iron-Age Alpine settlement in the entire Alpine region.

    Forts & Castles
    Piazza della Libertá
    Neumarkt/Egna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Piazza della Libertà at Egna. The nucleus of the hamlet developed around the Piazza della Libertà/Freiheitsplatz, which, after being used for years as a parking area, was the star of an important restoration project. The ancient well was renovated and the “Sas del poz”, a calcareous monolith probably used in conjunction with ancient German judicial tradition, was reinstated.

    Forts & Castles
    Zwölferturm tower at Sterzing
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The famous landmark of Sterzing, the city tower, is widely known as “Zwölferturm”. Its name is attributed to the fact that its bell rings the citizens for lunchbreak. Consisting of gray granite blocks from the area, it was erected over the city gate from 1468 to 1472 according to the design of Hans Feur. Two marble tablets above the archway remind us of the laying of the foundation stone by the Duke Sigismund of Austria back in 1469. It became a symbol of the economic and cultural boom in the city in the north of South Tyrol and has established itself to this day as the symbol for the city of Sterzing. 

    At certain events, the tower can also be visited also from the inside, e.g. during the Cristmas Market, in summer during the lantern parties or at the famous dumpling festival ("Knödelfest"). 

    Forts & Castles
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    You will soon find more information about the Perlmühle mill here. 

    Forts & Castles
    The trenches of Teis
    Villnöss/Funes, Dolomites Region Villnösstal
    Around the village of Teis, from the bottom of the Villnöss valley to the Haube mountain at 1260 m above sea level, you can find a line of partly uncovered and partly hidden trenches, shelters and caverns. These are the remains of the extensive fortifications built as part of the “Barricade of Klausen/Chiusa” at the beginning of the First World War. Over the course of the last century, the trenches have been partly destroyed by human activities and partly reclaimed by nature. A group of locals has taken on the task of investigating the history of these fortifications more closely, preserving them and making them accessible to the public.
    Forts & Castles
    The ruins of Castle Helfenburg
    Terlan/Terlano, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The building techniques and the disposition of stones in layers let suppose that this little fortress was built around 1180. It is highly likely that the lords of the castle were the Counts of Tyrol. The last written documentation about the Helfenburg goes back to 1353.

    Forts & Castles
    Sterzing City Hall
    Sterzing/Vipiteno, Sterzing/Vipiteno and environs

    The Town Hall of Sterzing is considered a true gem in the entire Tyrolean region. It was built in the years 1468 - 1473, and the distinctive bay window was added in 1524 during a renovation. The Gothic council chamber, with simple paneling and beamed ceiling, is considered the most beautiful in all of Tyrol. The rooms of the Town Hall have been repeatedly used for historical meetings: in 1525, the emergency council met in the council chamber during the peasant uprising, and from the 15th to the 17th century, several sessions of the Tyrolean Landtag were held there. Additionally, members of the imperial family were received there (Emperor Maximilian, King Philip of Spain, Archduke Ferdinand, Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and many others).

    In the courtyard, flooded with light by flat arch windows on the south wall, various museum objects related to the city's history are exhibited. The Town Hall is connected to a citizens' hall, named after Vigil Raber, born in Sterzing and the first theater publisher in the German-speaking world.

    In the courtyard at the end of the ground-level gallery, finds from the history of Roman settlement are displayed. A copy of the "Mithras stone" found in Mauls in Freienfeld bears witness to the well-known mystery cult practiced by many Roman soldiers. The adjacent Roman milestone (circa 200 AD) confirms the expansion of the Roman road along the Brenner Route under Septimius Severus.

    The courtyard and the historic council chamber are open to visitors during the Town Hall's opening hours.

    Forts & Castles
    Roman milestone
    St.Lorenzen/San Lorenzo di Sebato, Dolomites Region Kronplatz/Plan de Corones

    Roman Milestone of the Emperor M. Opellius Severus Macrinus and his son Diaduminanus (located on the main road, branching off towards Sonnenburg). The Roman milestone was found in Sonnenburg in 1857. Today the milestone is located at the entrance of the Museum Mansio Sebatum.

    Forts & Castles
    Venetian saw
    Lüsen/Luson, Brixen/Bressanone and environs

    Venezian saw has been built in the  year 1847 and restored to 2003

    Forts & Castles
    Ruins of Festenstein Castle
    Eppan an der Weinstaße/Appiano sulla Strada del Vino, Alto Adige Wine Road
    The castle ruins of "Castelforte/Festenstein" can be described as Andriano's symbol. It reigns over Andriano from the lofty, rocky outcrop of the Gola del Rio Gaido, and can only be reached via a steep mountain climb. Its location was certainly a pondered choice by the stonemason to ensure the weapons of the enemies would never reach the castle. At the same time, the spectacular location of the castle offers a 360° view across the lower Valle dell'Adige. "Festenstein" was first mentioned in written documents in the mid-13th century. We assume that the castle was built at the time or greatly expanded. Regardless, it had already been built by the time the Counts of Appiano oversaw the valley, they probably assigned one of their vassals to administer the castle.
    Managing such a castle would have been tedious work  and included collecting taxes from farms, the constant worry about providing the castle with water, food, and firewood, improvement works and endless suveillance shifts. All these tasks, considering the virtually inaccessible location of the castle, would have been pure torture. Sometime between the 13th and 14th century the castle was damaged, probably during the ongoing skirmishes of the time, because in 1383 it became property of the Lords of Villandro, who were tasked with restoring the decrepit ruins to their former glory. This shows how the castle still had a role to play at the end of the 14th century.

    In the following period, the castle changed hands various times. In the 15th century it belonged to the Sparrenberger, members of the gentry, followed by the Lords Lanser of Appiano between 1654 and 1818.

    In 2008,  Count Meinhard Khuen von Belasi purchased the castle ruins and commissioned, together with the South Tyrolean Office for Cultural Heritage, various restoration measures to secure the state of the walls and protect the castle from further deterioration.

    After years of restoration work, Castelforte is now open to visitors. On various dates, the Andriano Tourist Association enables a special opening of the castle.
    Special Opening of the Ruins Festenstein 2023:

    Sunday, 02.04.2023
    Sunday, 16.04.2023
    Friday,21.04.2023 cancelled
    Sunday, 30.04.2023
    Friday,12.05.2023 cancelled
    Monday, 29.05.2023
    Friday, 02.06.2023
    Saturday, 10.06.2023
    Sunday, 11.06.2023
    Sunday, 03.09.2023
    Sunday, 01.10.2023
    Sunday, 15.10.2023

    Opening times:  10:00 – 15:00

    Cancelled in bad weather!

    Forts & Castles
    Mount Calvary
    Kastelruth/Castelrotto, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    An unique group of holy buildings is standing on Mount Calvary, also called Kofel/Colle at Kastelruth/Castelrotto. From the village a path leads among porphyry rocks and beautiful nature. Several chapels line the pilgrimage, which ends at the Roman tower. The seven chapels show pictures of Jesus and his mother, the Mount of Olives, the scourging, crowning with thorns and the handwashing and the Entombment. (Nice walk - 20 minutes)

    Forts & Castles
    Center of Montan/Montagna
    Montan/Montagna, Alto Adige Wine Road

    Montan/Montagna is located at the border of the Trudner Horn/Monte Corno Nature Park and surrounded by vineyards and orchards. Paved alleys and colorful buildings characterize the historic center of Montan. The parish church was built in the 12th century and is dedicated to Saint Bartholomew. The Schloss Enn/Castel d'Enna is located high above the village and was built in 1172 by the Lords of Enn. The small hamlets of Pinzon/Pinzano, Gschnon/Casignano, Kaltenbrunn/Fontanefredde, Glen/Gleno, and Kalditsch/Doladizza also belong to Montan. The plateau is characterized by the typical vineyards, where the best Pinot Noir wines of South Tyrol thrive. Montan is a popular starting point for numerous hikes and mountain bike tours.


    Forts & Castles
    Haderburg/ Castello di Salorno
    Salorno/Salurn, Alto Adige Wine Road

    The castle of Salorno stands imposingly on the rocks above the village and is the symbol of the village. Its position makes it one of the most impressive ruins in the Alps. It was built in the Middle Age and during the time it was constantly enlarged. It was in possession of different nobel families and since the 17th century it belongs to the descendants of Earl Zenobio-Albrizzi from Venice. Thank to their help the castle was restored. Since 2003 it can be visited during summer. Nowadays there take place many cultural events during the warm season.

    There is a path called "Way of visions" which leads to the hill of the castle in 20 minutes (by foot).

    Forts & Castles
    Old watermill
    Tiers am Rosengarten/Tires al Catinaccio, Dolomites Region Seiser Alm

    Old watermill

    At the entrance to the village there is an old water mill. The mill and its giant millstone is restored and fully functional - even the interior can be visited. The aim of the old water mill is to remind people of the ancient, significant profession of the miller and of the many mills, sawmills and forges that made usage of the streams until the last century

    Forts & Castles
    Oies, the Birthplace of Saint Joseph Freinademetz
    Badia, Dolomites Region Alta Badia

    Saint Joseph Freinademetz, the saint of Alta Badia, is the first South Tyrolean Saint.

    Today, the hamlet of Oies is a much-visited place of pilgrimage, especially the birthplace of the missionary Josef Freinademetz, who belonged to the Society of the Divine Word. The Steyl missionary was born in 1852 and died of typhoid fever in China on 28 January 1908.

    He was beatified by Pope Paul VI in Rome on 19 October 1975 and canonised on 5 October 2003.

    The cellar of the Oies farm was converted into a chapel and decorated with works by the artists Kollreider from Lienz and Lois Irsara from Badia.

    Forts & Castles
    Selva Castle Ruins
    Sëlva/Selva, Dolomites Region Val Gardena

    A steep path starts near the "Carabinieri" training centre in Vallunga and heads up to the castle ruins. Built at the beginning of the 13th century, it collapsed in 1525 and has never been rebuilt. It has been owned by the Wolkenstein family since the 14th century. Oswald von Wolkenstein, a famous minstrel and poet born in South Tyrol between 1376 and 1387, died in Merano 1445, probably spent his summers in the castle.

    Forts & Castles
    Source of Bad Kochenmoos
    Naturns/Naturno, Meran/Merano and environs

    Like the village of Tablà, Stava was also a separate municipality in the past. In 1928 the village was joined with the municipality of Naturno. Today Stava has around 360 inhabitants. Even in the Middle Ages Stava was renowned for its hospitality. There was even a health resort in the "Bad Kochenmoos" inn which provided hospitality to illustrious guests taking a break from the exertions of their travels.