The Gsiesertal Lauf is one of the best-known and best-loved ski marathons in the entire Alpine region. Entertainment programme in the heated marquee: Friday: 07:00 am.-11:00 pm.: Opening of the weekend with "Tiroler Herz", 07:00 pm-09:00 pm: Pasta Party. Saturday: 11:00 am.: DJ Sabrina & Walter, 02:00 pm.: Award ceremony 42/30 km CT, 05:00 pm.: MINI-GSIESER prize-giving, 05:30 pm.-07:00 pm.: Live music by "Melanie Brugger", 06:00 pm.-21:00 pm.: Pasta Party, 07:00 pm. -11:30 pm.: Live music by "Die Klausberger", 11:30 pm-01:00 pm: Party Night with DJ "the.electrix". Sunday: 11:00 am.: DJ Sabrina & Walter, 02:00 pm.: Award ceremony 42/30 km FT, 03:00 pm. -06:30 pm. : Live music by "Hochwilde Böhmische", 06:30 pm.: After Race Party "Die Bergdiamanten"